Wardrobe Wants
14:25 Topshop Leather trim Boyfriend Coat ASOS Faux Fur Hooded coat

<<< Topshop Laether Panel Body skirt
Topshop Front Zip Bustier >>>
I am currently in Love with Topshop A/W collection, especially their coats, there's a wide range right but now, but the one that I am loving is the beige oversize boyfriend coat!, I love the leather collar bit, I am going head over heals with all things leather and fur at the moment, so the coat is going for about £89.00 so I'm stuck between the two, because as you can see on the right, I have the Asos Faux Fur Coat, which I have been wanting for the last month, I just love the fact that its longish, and it has a hood, it just looks so cozy and warm, I am preparing for winter, (although we going to December this week, and I still feel like the weather is playing with my emotions. lol. ) and they have it in Black too, but I prefer the cream one, its retailing for £90.00, but I get student discount! yipeee! I think that's the only plus about being a student, *DISCOUNTS* I was going to try and be patient and wait for it and get it after xmas, but I am so not Patient! damnit! humphhh.....
Anyway, lately, I saw someone wearing a body con skirt, and the sides where a leather panel kinda thing, I immediately fell in Lust!, I searched for a whole week, before i found this similar skirt from Topshop, and its in my Christmas budget now!, I feel like there is so many thing, and just not enough time! grr, Next to it is this cute littlebustier that I saw as well from Topshop, it features a front zip, and elasicated back aswell. Perfect for the party season, Throw it underneath a very sheer top, or a blazer, and you are good to go! So that it for my current winter wardrobe wants :)
Till Next Time
- Primrose E'leiko -